Este vídeo es parte de la investigación del recorrido por las
acciones, presentaciones, conciertos y dispositivos a lo largo de
2008-2011 como Colombina’s. Basado en las diferentes fases de trabajo y
prácticas, el vídeo encauza un
relato continuo, abierto en diferentes direcciones recogiendo el recorrido del
relaciones internas entre los contenidos que se manejan, se hacen visibles como relato audiovisual.
This video is part of the Colombinas' investigation through the interventions, presentations, and concerts between 2008-2011. Based on different work and practice phases, the video directs a continued story, opened in different directions picking the process's route. The inner relations between the contents that are used, are visible in this audiovisual story.
This video is part of the Colombinas' investigation through the interventions, presentations, and concerts between 2008-2011. Based on different work and practice phases, the video directs a continued story, opened in different directions picking the process's route. The inner relations between the contents that are used, are visible in this audiovisual story.
Hacia La Luz Y Los
Vegetales (Vídeo, 18mins.) |