Es un documental que amplifica la escena musical amateur de un pueblo
de costa y frontera. Siendo este un lugar que ha mostrado siempre un gran
interés por variadas vertientes musicales, la película, aborda el tema de la
pasión musical acercando las cámaras a algunos jóvenes cuya vida social y
personal gira en torno a esta corriente de la que forman parte.
It is a documentary that amplifies the amateur music scene a coastal and border village. Since this is a place that has always shown great interest in various aspects of music, the film, tackles the issue of a musical passion bringing cameras to some young people whose personal and social life revolves around this stream of which they are part.
It is a documentary that amplifies the amateur music scene a coastal and border village. Since this is a place that has always shown great interest in various aspects of music, the film, tackles the issue of a musical passion bringing cameras to some young people whose personal and social life revolves around this stream of which they are part.
Documental presentado en
la 3ª muestra del
festival Dock of the bay.
Acción durante la
exposición ROCK arte contemporáneo,
en el museo Bonnat, Bayona. |